Informasi Program Studi

Thursday s.d wednesday, may 02, 03, 06, 07 & 08, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time) we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of dmi - st. john the baptist university (malawi) in collaboration with stekom university. ????? day 1 : thursday, may 02, 2024 presentation by : dr. dafter khembo position : dean of education topic : “enhancing higher order thinking skills through assessment” host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration :…

Pembayaran, pelaporan dan bukti potong pph pasal 23 pajak penghasilan pasal 23 (pph pasal 23) merupakan pajak yang dikenakan pada penghasulan atas modal, penyerahan jasa, atau hadiah dan penghargaan, selain yang telah dipotong pph pasal 21. pihak pemberi penghasilan (pembeli atau penerima jasa) akan memotong dan melaporkan pph pasal 23 tersebut kepada kantor pajak. objek pph pasal 23 telah ditambahkan oleh pemerintah hingga menjadi 62 jenis jasa lainnya seperti yang tercantum dalam pmk no. 141/pmk.03/2015. prosedur pembayaran dan pelaporan pph…

*”transformasi pendidikan vokasi di era revolusi industri 4.0: menghadapi tantangan dan menciptakan peluang baru”* selasa, 30 april 2024, 13.00-16.00 wib *webinar nasional* *narasumber:* 1. aang wahidin, st., m.t. (wakil direktur bidang akademik politeknik perkapalan negeri surabaya) 2. nunung martina, s.t., (wakil direktur bidang akademi politeknik negeri jakarta) 3. nur rohman rosyid, s.t., m.t., d.eng. (ketua departemen teknik elektro dan informatika universitas gadjah mada yogyakarta) 4. rachmad andri atmoko,, m.t. (dosen universitas…

*tuesday, april 30, 2024 (3.15-4.15 pm indonesia time)* we are delighted to announce an exclusive opportunity for our faculty from stekom university to participate in the visiting lecture program at *arunai engineering college (india)*. please find the program details below : *????? day 1 : tuesday, april 30, 2024* presentation by : edy jogatama purhita, m.ds. position : lecturer of visual communication design department topic : "dependency on artificial intelligence: exploring social implications and control" *registration :*…

*thursday s.d monday, april 18, 22 & 29, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time)* we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *arunai engineering college (india)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 3 : monday, april 29, 2024* presentation by : 1. prof. s. noorul hassan me., (phd) * head - ai & ds, cyber security 2. prof. r. sangeetha * asst professor- ai & ds, cyber security topic : "enhancing web server performance and security through proxy solutions" *host :*…

Manajemen liburan panjang manajemen liburan panjang dapat menjadi kunci untuk merencanakan waktu luang dengan efektif, memastikan anda mendapatkan istirahat yang layak dan memanfaatkan waktu anda dengan optimal. berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu anda mengelola liburan panjang dengan baik: 1. buat rencana liburan: tetapkan tujuan: tentukan apa yang ingin anda capai selama liburan, apakah itu bersantai, menjelajah, atau menyelesaikan proyek tertentu.buat agenda: buat jadwal atau agenda untuk liburan anda, termasuk aktivitas-aktivitas yang…
*”transformasi pendidikan vokasi di era revolusi industri 4.0: menghadapi tantangan dan menciptakan peluang baru”* selasa, 30 april 2024, 13.00-16.00 wib *webinar nasional* *narasumber:* 1. aang wahidin, st., m.t. (wakil direktur bidang akademik politeknik perkapalan negeri surabaya) 2. nunung martina, s.t., (wakil direktur bidang akademi politeknik negeri jakarta) 3. nur rohman rosyid, s.t., m.t., d.eng. (ketua departemen teknik elektro dan informatika universitas gadjah mada yogyakarta) 4. rachmad andri atmoko,, m.t. (dosen universitas…

*tuesday s.d monday, april 23, 26 & 29, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time)* we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *western caspian university (azerbaijan)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 3 : monday, april 29 2024* presentation by : dr. mursal nasirov position : senior lecturer at the department of mechanics and mathematics topic : “increasing the reliability of furniture production equipment: examination of circular saws” *host :* anggi novita sari (international…

*tuesday s.d monday, april 23, 26 & 29, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time)* we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *western caspian university (azerbaijan)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 3 : monday, april 29 2024* presentation by : dr. mursal nasirov position : senior lecturer at the department of mechanics and mathematics topic : “increasing the reliability of furniture production equipment: examination of circular saws” *host :* anggi novita sari (international…

Tuesday s.d monday, april 23, 26 & 29, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time) we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of western caspian university (azerbaijan) in collaboration with stekom university. ????? day 2 : friday, april 26 2024 presentation by : dr. fuad baghirov position : senior lecturer at the department of general economics topic : “green building models in the construction sector” host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration :…

*”digitalisasi umkm dalam menyongsong indonesia emas 2045”* kamis, 25 april 2024, 13.00-16.00 wib *webinar nasional* *narasumber:* 1. ary fakturrachman aryansyah, s.p., m.m., chrm., csom., chco (dosen universitas bangka belitung) 2. yuniarti,ph.d (dosen uin malang) 3. dr. antonius budisusila, s.e., (dosen universitas sanata dharma yogyakarta) 4. emaridial ulza,s.e., m.a. (dosen universitas muhammadiyah prof. dr. hamka) 5. alvin arifin, s.ab, m.m (dekan fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis universitas bahauddin mudhary madura) 6. dr. syamsul…

*tuesday s.d wednesday, march 26 & april 02,03 & 24,25, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time)* we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *university of kuala lumpur (malaysia)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 4 : wednesday, april 24, 2024* presentation by : ts. dr. farahwahida mohd position : head of section, industrial linkages, unikl miit topic : "diversity & inclusion in the workplace" *host :* anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) *registration…

*”digitalisasi umkm dalam menyongsong indonesia emas 2045”* kamis, 25 april 2024, 13.00-16.00 wib *webinar nasional* *narasumber:* 1. ary fakturrachman aryansyah, s.p., m.m., chrm., csom., chco (dosen universitas bangka belitung) 2. yuniarti,ph.d (dosen uin malang) 3. dr. antonius budisusila, s.e., (dosen universitas sanata dharma yogyakarta) 4. emaridial ulza,s.e., m.a. (dosen universitas muhammadiyah prof. dr. hamka) 5. alvin arifin, s.ab, m.m (dekan fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis universitas bahauddin mudhary madura) 6. dr. syamsul…
We invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *university of kuala lumpur (malaysia)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 4 : wednesday, april 24, 2024* presentation by : ts. dr. farahwahida mohd position : head of section, industrial linkages, unikl miit topic : "diversity & inclusion in the workplace" *host :* anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) *registration :* *link zoom :* *meeting id :* 833 8781 3023 *passcode…

*tuesday s.d monday, april 23, 26 & 29, 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time)* we invite you to participate in the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of *western caspian university (azerbaijan)* in collaboration with stekom university. *????? day 1 : tuesday, april 23 2024* presentation by : javid khalilov position : senior lecturer at the department of programming topic : "introduction to container technologies" *host :* anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) *registration :* *link…

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